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  "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
. . .  John 3:16  . . .

This Page Displays Just Some of the Information Found in Every DEFINED King James Bible

The DEFINED King James Bible

Containing the
Old and New Testaments

Translated out of the Original Tongues and with the Former Translations diligently compared and revised by His Majesty's special command

The Authorized King James Bible

Unaltered, Medium Print, with Uncommon Words Defined
Cambridge 1769 Text

Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.  General Editor
D. A. Waite, Jr., M.A., M.L.A. 
Footnote Author and Editor
Pastor S. H. Tow, D.D., M.D.  Contributing Editor
Daniel S. Waite, M.A., M.Div. 
Publication Coordinator

The Bible For Today Press - Collingswood, New Jersey
United States of America

The "Synopsis of the Books of the Bible"
was originally published in the U.S.A. by
World Publishing Inc., Grand Rapids, Michigan
Used by permission

The Bible

Majestic, eternal, immutable BOOK,
Inspired, inerrant, complete.
The Light of my path as I walk on life's way,
The Guide and the Lamp to my feet.
Its writings are holy and verbally true,
The unalterable Statute of Light,
For profit, for doctrine, for correction, reproof,
Infallible Guide to the right.
My Treasure, my Comfort, my Help, and my Stay,
Incomparable Measure and Rod,
Each page is replete with its textual proof,
The Bible, the exact WORD OF GOD!

By Gertrude Grace Sanborn

The author of the poem is the Grandmother of D. A. Waite, Jr. and Daniel S. Waite and is the mother-in-law of Dr. D. A. Waite. This Poem was dedicated in 1979 to THE DEAN BURGON SOCIETY, "In Defense of Traditional Bible Texts."

Table of Contents

Title Page i
Copyright Information ii
Poem: iii
Table of Contents iv
General Editor's Preface v
Footnote Author's Introduction vi
Yearly Bible Reading Schedule viii
Order of Bible Books x
Alphabetical Order of Bible Books xi
Synopsis of the King James Bible Books xii
The Defined King James Bible 1


Old Verb Endings Classified and Explained 1653
An Urgent Plea for Christian Fervency in these "Last Days" --
and a Defense of the Authorized King James Bible 1661
How We Got Our Bible Chart 1693
The KJB's Good Fruit Chart 1694
The Modern Versions' Evil Fruit Chart 1695
The Defined King James Bible Team 1696
Mr. D. A. Waite, Jr. 1696
Dr. D. A. Waite, Sr. 1697
Dr. S. H. Tow 1698
Mr. Daniel S. Waite 1699
"A Book With Rules" 1703
Eight Bible Maps 1705

Preface by the General Editor
Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.

As this Defined King James Bible has come to its completion, we here at THE BIBLE FOR TODAY are overjoyed. We have long awaited the appearance of such a King James Bible that would easily inform the reader of meanings of words which, though excellent in 1611, have changed slightly through the years.

I commend Mr. D. A. Waite, Jr., the author and editor of these footnotes, for his hundreds of painstaking hours in researching this subject and then committing his results to the printed page as you now see it in this Bible. I am grateful for Dr. S. H. Tow for his urgent plea for Christian fervency in these "last days" and his comments on the crisis in modern thinking about the Bible. I want to thank Daniel Waite for his excellent help in putting it all together behind the scenes. We have worked as a team in this cause.

We encourage those who receive this Bible to become daily readers of God=s Book. To this end, we have included a Yearly Bible Reading Schedule. If this 85 verses per day schedule is followed, the reader will complete the Bible in one year. The end of each 85-verse section is marked off with a diamond for easy reference.

There are two portions of Scripture that come to mind concerning the understanding of the Words of God. The first portion is in Nehemiah. Nehemiah 8:8 states: "So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading." This is what The Defined King James Bible has done. It will cause those who read the King James Bible to know "the sense" and "to understand the reading." They do not need to go to one of the modern versions which have inferior Hebrew and Greek texts, inferior translators, inferior translation technique, and inferior theology.

A second portion of Scripture is found in Acts. Acts 8:30 states that Philip, when he met the Ethiopian Eunuch, "ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?" The Eunuch's reply in the next verse was: "How can I, except some man should guide me?" The footnotes in The Defined King James Bible will act as a "guide" so that you, too, might understand "what thou readest."

You will notice that there has been no change whatsoever in the Authorized King James Bible. It has been kept as the standard which has united English speaking people throughout the world. There have been only clarifying footnotes based upon sound English dictionaries and, where needed, the original Hebrew and Greek languages. This Bible is not only a teaching tool, but also a devotional blessing.

Sincerely for God's Words,
DAW/w Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.

Introduction by the Footnote Author and Editor
D. A. Waite, Jr., M.A., M.L.A.

The King James Bible has long been recognized as one of the greatest literary works in the English language. For over three centuries, it did more to influence the English-speaking people than any other single book. It influenced the way they acted, the way they thought, the way they wrote, and the way they spoke. Even in the Twentieth Century, English-speaking people around the world continue to be affected by the rhythm, cadence, beauty, and power of this venerable version. But how do we preserve--for the Twenty-first Century--the accuracy, beauty, and dependability of the classic King James Bible without sacrificing clarity of understanding in a day of rapidly diminishing literacy? One answer may be the Defined King James Bible.

As its title suggests, the Defined King James Bible attempts to define archaic, obsolete, or uncommon English words that occur in the text of the King James Bible. Since these definitions appear in the footnotes at the bottom of each page, the text of the King James Bible (KJB) remains unchanged. Bold-faced type [like this] is used to highlight every word (or phrase) that is defined in the footnotes. If a dictionary classified a word definition as archaic (Arc) or obsolete (Obs) or rare (Rare), I listed the appropriate abbreviation before that definition. As you will soon notice, most of the uncommon words defined do not have definitions labeled archaic, obsolete, or rare.

But how did I determine which words to define? I began the Defined King James Bible project by collecting and then collating several lists of KJB words that others consider difficult today. These lists included the ones drawn up by the American Bible Society (Bible Appendix), the Trinitarian Bible Society (Bible Word List), O. Ray Smith (King James Bible Dictionary), and Dr. Laurence M. Vance (Archaic Words and the Authorized Version). I did not knowingly take my definitions from any of these sources, but I tried to include each unique word on these lists. Once I had collated these four lists, I began to locate, footnote, and define each word through a long series of complicated computerized searches and replacements. I used superscript numbers [1, 2, 9] for these primary footnotes.

After I had finished locating, footnoting, and defining these words on my collated list, I "locked in" each page and printed a final proof-reading draft. I then read through this entire draft of the Defined King James Bible looking for additional words or phrases that might be confusing. I marked these words and then made as many of these changes as a page would permit. I used superscript numbers and letters [1b, 1c, 2b, 8b] for these secondary footnotes and separated these footnotes from the original ones using double slash marks [//].

My main purpose in these footnotes (primary or secondary) was not to criticize the translators or the translation. It was instead to communicate (as clearly as possible) the meaning intended by the English words the translators chose to use. This was not always easy to do. Although my main purpose required the use of standard English dictionaries, occasionally I had to consult Greek and Hebrew Lexicons to determine which of the English definitions was best for the given word or context. Sometimes I could not decide on a suitable English definition for a given word and therefore gave an appropriate Hebrew (Heb) or Greek (Gk) meaning. Occasionally I gave both an English and a Hebrew/Greek definition. In almost every case, the KJB translators selected the best or one of the best English words possible at that time to convey the meaning of the Hebrew or Greek that they were translating. Notice that in almost every case, the definitions or synonyms are longer (usually considerably longer) than the KJB word being defined.

For those primary words on my original collated list, I gave several definitions that would suit most contexts. The reader will have to determine for himself which definition best fits a particular context. I tried not to inject my personal interpretation into these definitions. As a rule, I tried to be as concise as possible in defining a word. Often I used several different definitions to give the reader a wider view of the word’s scope. In the case of those secondary footnotes (those with the letter added to the number [1b]), I often had to shorten the full definition or give only one synonym where more would have been warranted. Occasionally I had no room to footnote every example of a few frequently-footnoted or marginally-necessary secondary words.

The reader will notice that I usually put a footnoted word in bold-faced type every time that it occurred. The definition occurs only once a page, however. In other words tabernacle5 may occur seven times on a page, but there will be only one {5 Arc temporary shelter} at the bottom of the page.

For definitions, I consulted several English dictionaries, usually in this order: Webster’s New World Dictionary (Third College edition, 1994), American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (Third Edition, 1992), Mirriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (Tenth Edition, 1994), and the Oxford English Dictionary (1933). Almost all of the uncommon words in the King James Version were suitably defined in one or more of these modern dictionaries. For some definitions, however, I was driven to my (1971) micro-printed version of the historically-authoritative, multi-volumed Oxford English Dictionary. Virtually all of the definitions that I used were selected from one or more of these dictionaries. In many cases I had to shorten or modify the given definitions to fit available space. Those definitions preceded by i.e. were not precisely found in any dictionary but seem to fit the context by interpolation or extension from a given definition.

The most commonly used KJB words that are classified as archaic include the second person pronouns (such as thee, thou, ye) and the various archaic verb forms (such as know-eth, did-dest, had-st). A footnote at the beginning of each Bible book deals with this second person pronoun confusion: "In the KJB t, t, t, t, and t always refer to only one person. Y, y, y, y, and y always refer to more than one person.

' The archaic verb confusion is handled in an appendix at the end of the Defined King James Bible (pages 1653-1660). This appendix lists each archaic verb form with its modern counterpart. In addition, similar information about archaic verb usage appears at the end of each Bible book as space permits.

It is my hope and prayer that the Lord will use my feeble efforts "to make a good [version] better" (as the KJB translators wrote). In attempting to do so, however, mistakes may have inadvertently crept in. Please remember that God makes no mistakes: "His work is perfect" (Deuteronomy 32:4). May the Lord use this imperfect "work" for His glory! "Keep the wheat; let the chaff fall to the ground."

Yearly Bible Reading--
Rate: 85 Verses Per Day

Synopsis Of the Books of the Bible

To help those who may not be as familiar with many details of the Bible, we have included a Synopsis of the Books of the Bible. The following overview was selected because it was the one which was in the Bible given to Dr. D. A. Waite in October, 1944, when he was a 16-year-old senior. It was a gift from his High School Custodian, Mr. Charles Allen, who led him to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. When the young Christian girl who later became his wife saw him putting this Bible into his locker at Berea High School, Berea, Ohio, she asked him if he were "born again." The statistical information from this Bible was used by Dr. Waite to formulate his Yearly Bible Reading Schedule of 85 verses per day found on pages viii and ix in this present work. We encourage everyone to read the Bible through each year in order to "grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord."

Old Testament


FIRST SECTION: Chapters 1-11: The creation of the world--Disobedience of Adam and Eve and their expulsion from Eden--The murder of Abel and the birth of Seth--Genealogy of the antediluvian patriarchs--The deluge--The building of the Tower of Babel--The confusion of language--The line of descent from Shem to Abram. SECOND SECTION: Chapters 12-36: The call of Abraham--The destruction of Sodom--The birth of Isaac--The expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael--Isaac's marriage--Birth of Esau and Jacob--Jacob's plot to secure the blessing--His flight to Padan Aram--His wives and children--His struggle by the brook Jabbok--Descendants of Esau. THIRD SECTION: Chapters 37-50: Joseph sold into captivity--His elevation in Egypt--His meetings with his brothers--The migration of Jacob and his sons to Egypt--Death of Jacob and Joseph.

[50 Chapters; 1,533 Verses; 38,267 Words] Page 1

The Old Testament Contains
39 Books 929 Chapters 23,144 Verses 610,577 Words

New Testament


Chapters 1-2: Genealogy of Christ through Joseph--Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ--Visit of the Magi--Slaughter of the children--The flight into Egypt--Settlement at Nazareth. Chapter 3: The preaching of John the Baptist--Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ. Chapter 4: The temptation in the wilderness--Beginning of the Galilean ministry. Chapters 5-7: The sermon on the mount. Chapters 8-9: Miracles and teaching. Chapters 10-12: The commission to the Apostles--Further teachings and miracles. Chapter 13: Parables of the kingdom. Chapters 14-15: Murder of John the Baptist--Miracles and teaching. Chapters 16-20: Intimations of approaching death--The transfiguration--The Judean ministry. Chapters 21-25: Final teaching, and parables of judgment. Chapters 26-28: The anointing--The last supper--The agony in the garden, the betrayal, trial, crucifixion and bodily resurrection.

[28 Chapters; 1,071 Verses; 23,684 Words] Page 1257

The New Testament Contains
27 Books 260 Chapters 7,957 Verses 180,751 Words
The Old Testament Contains
39 Books929 Chapters 23,144 Verses 610,577 Words
The Entire Bible Contains
66 Books 1,189 Chapters 31,101 Verses 791,328 Words

The Word of God

"The Bible contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers.

Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler=s map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot=s compass, the soldier=s sword, and the Christian=s charter.

Here paradise is restored, heaven opened, and hell disclosed. The Lord Jesus Christ is its grand Object, our good its design, and the glory of God its end. Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully. Let it fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. It is given you in life, will be opened in the judgment, and remembered forever. It involves the highest responsibility, will reward the highest labor, and will condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents." Author Unknown

The Golden Rule of Bible Interpretation

"When the PLAIN SENSE of Scripture makes COMMON SENSE, SEEK NO OTHER SENSE. Therefore, take EVERY WORD at its primary, ordinary, usual, literal meaning, UNLESS the facts of the immediate context, studied in the light of related passages, and axiomatic and fundamental truths, indicate CLEARLY otherwise. God, in revealing His Word, neither intends nor permits the reader to be confused. He wants His children to understand." Author Unknown


Old Verb Endings Classified and Explained
By D. A. Waite, Jr., M.A., M.L.A.

An Urgent Plea for Christian
Fervency in these "Last Days"
And a Defense of the
Authorized King James Bible

By Pastor S. H. Tow, D.D., M.D.
of Singapore

Background and Purpose

It is hoped that those who use THE DEFINED KING JAMES BIBLE and read the comments in this present section will see this volume as an aid in the fulfillment of a fivefold purpose:

First, to call God's people back to the old faithful King James Bible, the English Bible closest to the Divine Original.

Second, to awaken Christians to the deception of corrupted Bible versions and Ecumenical translations.

Third, to warn Christians of the universal falling away which has overtaken Christendom during these perilous last days.

Fourth, to alert Christians to the imminence of the long-awaited Momentous Event, the "blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ" (Titus 2:13).

Fifth, to make available to the reader a Bible with a ready reference to modern equivalents of archaic and difficult words conveniently located on each page.

The Defined King James Bible is not a "money spinner." Our object is to equip and encourage Christians to "earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3).

Our Lord's non-return of twenty centuries has caused some Christians to conclude: "Since the Lord has not come when He said it was near, even at the doors, surely He will never come." Be not faint hearted, O ye of little faith! Let God's Word be our assurance and comfort:

"The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).

The Lord has not come simply because He is keeping to His schedule. Our Lord is neither forgetful nor late. He is just patient and forbearing, giving sinners time to repent and saints opportunity of witness. At any time, and perhaps very soon, "The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout" (1 Thessalonians 4:16). The day of Gospel opportunity will then be over for those now living.

Until then, "Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest" (John 4:35).

The harvest is urgent; "the labourers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth labourers" (Matthew 9:37-38). "And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together" (John 4:36).

May the glorious challenge of this eleventh hour send you forth into the harvest field. Who knows, some perishing soul may be saved because you went? The time to go is now. "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation!"

The Conflict of the Ages

God's Word is under attack today as never before. The conflict allows no neutrality: God or Satan; you must take your stand.

God has one plan for man's eternal redemption, only one: that all men believe in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, the virgin-born Saviour of the world; that, through faith in Him and His finished work on Calvary's Cross, sinful men may be delivered from the power of darkness, and translated into the Kingdom of God's dear Son (Cf. Colossians 1:13).

This Gospel offer is revealed to us in English, completely and accurately, through the King James Bible or Authorized Version.

The King James Bible preserves God's salvation plan perfectly, to the exclusion of any corrupting doctrine or rival plan which detracts from or dishonours the Person and Work of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Christ is "once delivered" (Jude 3), final and complete; any "other gospel" is false and accursed (Galatians 1:6-9).

The King James Bible is one of God's greatest gifts. It is the culminating Gem of the Sixteenth Century English Reformation; the Light which shattered a thousand years of a dark system; the Bulwark of "the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3); the Rock of defense against counterfeit Christianity; the mighty Sword of the Spirit which spells doom to the Father of lies. For over three centuries, this Book reigned supreme, the one faithful, authoritative, unique, and accurate translation into English of the plenarily and verbally inspired, inerrant, infallible, preserved Hebrew and Greek Words of God.

By the King James Bible, the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ revived; great Church and Missionary movements flourished; the Kingdom of God and His Christ extended far and wide to the pulling down of Satan's "strong holds" (2 Corinthians 10:4).

Satan hates the King James Bible. His diabolical genius conceived a dark scheme: the King James Bible must be replaced! False teachers will bring forth corrupted modern English versions with another message, "preaching another Jesus . . . another spirit . . . another gospel" (2 Corinthians 11:4). "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light . . . his ministers also [are being] transformed as the ministers of righteousness" (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).

The Proliferation of Modern Versions

Satan is the master strategist. His secret weapon is counterfeit Bibles. By evil genius he sent forth a hundred corrupted modern English versions displacing the King James Bible from its exalted position as the authoritative Word of God in English. "Yea, hath God said? - Is the King James Bible the only accurate English Bible?"

Sensing that his days are numbered, the Master Deceiver raised up false teachers, apostate and infidel scholars, translators, editors, and consultants in the Church, in seminaries, and in Bible societies, "giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils" (1 Timothy 4:1), "who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them" (2 Peter 2:1).

Beginning with the English Revised Version (1881) the enemy of Mansoul has spawned a host of contaminated, unfaithful versions, attacking and undermining, manipulating and mutilating, the vital doctrines of our salvation, in particular, the Person and Work of our Lord Jesus Christ.

A multiplicity of corrupted versions paves the way for a multiplicity of faiths, to help form the end time counterfeit "Kingdom of God"--OIKOUMENE.

See clearly, then, the raging Battle for the Bible:


the KING JAMES BIBLE versus the Corrupt Modern Versions;

The Believing Church versus the Ecumenical Church.

This is the real issue, not "readability" or "language," which are smoke-screens laid by the Master Deceiver.

Modern Versions Attack God the Son

This is Satan's "secret weapon," using the written word to attack the Living Word. The attack on our Lord Jesus Christ has no equal in history. Attacks from without can be dismissed. But the subtle undermining from within the Church under cover of modern Bible versions is devastating.

But even more shocking and unbelievable is the universal acceptance by evangelicals of corrupt versions as "most exact . . . faithfully accurate" renderings of God's Word (Zondervan, 1978).

In a matter of two or three generations, the Master Deceiver has practically demolished the work of the English Reformation, God=s mightiest act of deliverance since Pentecost, built up for nearly five God-blessed centuries. The evangelicals carrying modern ecumenical Bibles, are gleefully on the move singing, "Onward Christian Soldiers, Marching on to Rome!"

The King James Bible defender today is regarded as an irrelevant troublemaker. Like the prophet Elijah, he sees himself as the only one left holding the fort, a lone defender of the faith.

But no, not all of God's people have capitulated to the invasion of modern Bible versions. There are yet seven thousand faithful men, "all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him" (1 Kings 19:18).

This DEFINED KING JAMES BIBLE is raised up of God for the encouragement of God's faithful remnant people; for "when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him" (Isaiah 59:19).

Here is a standard lifted up Afor the Word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ@ (Revelation 1:9) in a time of grave falling away. Our numbers are not many by the world's reckoning, but God is our Strength and our Redeemer. "It may be that the LORD will work for us: for there is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few" (I Samuel 14:6).

God's Truth is under attack: the conflict rages to a grand climax; it allows no neutrality. Whose side are you on: God's or Satan's? Let us who claim the name of Christ be loyal to the Author of the Word. We seek only the honor of His Name, and the success of His Word. And "He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20).

The Only Salvation

The Greatest Translation

Counter Attack

What Makes a Good Version?

Modern Bible Versions Examined

Servants of Satan--Doctors of Deceit

And Behold I Come Quickly!





About The Footnote Author and Editor
D. A. Waite, Jr., M.A., M.L.A.

The oldest of five children, Donald A. Waite, Jr. was born in Dallas, Texas. As the son of a long-time graduate student/itinerant Naval Chaplain/ordained Baptist minister, he and his family re-located frequently. When they moved to Collingswood, NJ, to live in his ninth house, he never dreamed that they would establish such deep roots there. In 1967, he graduated from Collingswood High School (his 10th school).

School number eleven was Bob Jones University where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities (1971) and a Master of Arts in Theology (1973) with an emphasis in New Testament Greek. While at Bob Jones University, he met his wife-to-be, Jeanette Ann Lazar. They were married in Cleveland, Ohio in 1971.

Although he didn't realize it at the time, his life-long teaching ministry began while he was in BJU's graduate school. For two semesters, he taught basic English grammar and composition to tutorial classes of about twenty college freshmen. After graduating in 1973, he taught various junior high and high school subjects in a Christian school in northern New Jersey.

Then in 1975, he began his long tenure at a Christian school in the Washington, D.C. area. In 1979, he earned his Master of Liberal Arts from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. After teaching high school and junior high English, History, and Bible at this school for fifteen years, he shifted to the fifth grade in the fall of 1990.

He has served as deacon, long-time Sunday school teacher, pulpit supply, camp counselor, and in various other church ministries. He currently serves as the treasurer of the Dean Burgon Society and as trustee and treasurer of the Bible for Today. In 1999, he began working full-time on special projects for the Bible For Today. Although he has written various other pamphlets and articles, his longest work is his 1994 Reading Ease of the King James Bible (277 pages). In 1996, he wrote a summary of that work entitled The Comparative Readability of the Authorized Version (84 pages).

He lives in Chesapeake Beach, Maryland with his wife Jeanette and their two children--Elizabeth and Rebecca.

Mr. Waite has had a lifetime love for the Word of God. He has studied the King James Bible diligently from his boyhood. Seeing the need for The Defined King James Bible he accepted the challenge to complete this task. He has devoted hundreds of hours of research and computer time to put these definitions into the footnotes and to make this dream a reality. It is an understatement to say that without him, this Bible could not have been published.

About the General Editor
Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.

The general editor of The Defined King James Bible, Dr. D. A. Waite, received a Bachelor of Arts in classical Greek and Latin from the University of Michigan in 1948, a Master of Theology, with high honors, in New Testament Greek Literature and Exegesis from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1952, a Master of Arts in Speech from Southern Methodist University in 1953, a Doctor of Theology, with honors, in Bible Exposition from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1955, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Speech from Purdue University in 1961. He holds both New Jersey and Pennsylvania teacher certificates in Greek and Language Arts.

He has been a teacher in the areas of Greek, Hebrew, Bible, Speech, and English for over thirty-five years in nine schools, including one junior high, one senior high, three Bible institutes, two colleges, two universities, and one seminary. He served his country as a Navy Chaplain for five years on active duty; pastored two churches; was Chairman and Director of the Radio and Audio-Film Commission of the American Council of Christian Churches; since 1971, has been Founder, President, and Director of THE BIBLE FOR TODAY; since 1978, has been President of the DEAN BURGON SOCIETY; has produced over 700 other studies, books, cassettes, or VCR=s on various topics; and is heard on both a five-minute daily and thirty-minute weekly radio program IN DEFENSE OF TRADITIONAL BIBLE TEXTS, presently on 25 stations. Dr. and Yvonne Sanborn Waite have been married since 1948; they have four sons, one daughter, and, at present, eight grandchildren.

For many years Dr. Waite has seen the need to have uncommon words used by the King James Bible translators in 1611 defined properly and completely. When he has conducted seminars on the defense of the King James Bible, invariably, during question and answer time, someone has asked about the so-called "difficult" or "uncommon" words used in that Bible. Though these words are not as numerous as many think, still there are some that could use a brief definition for the ready understanding of the Bible reader. Because of the modern versions= inferiority in the areas of Hebrew and Greek texts, translators, technique of translation, and theology, it is a very unsafe solution to turn to one of them for an accurate understanding of the words of the Bible. The solution is to read and use The Defined King James Bible in which these uncommon words are accurately defined for our present day; and yet, the text has not been disturbed or altered in the least.

About The Contributing Editor
Pastor S. H. Tow, D.D., M.D.

Dr. S. H. Tow joined the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, at the University of Singapore as a trainee in 1955. Five years later by an extraordinary turn of events, he was called to assume the chairmanship of the Department.

Academic medicine and clinical research brought honor and invitations to lecture in the top medical centers on both sides of the Atlantic. In the United Kingdom he was guest professor in London, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Belfast, and Dublin.

Dr. Tow has applied these verses to himself: "But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ" (Philippians 3:7) and "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). In 1969, it was goodbye to the world of academics. God=s earlier call of 1938 (during the revival of Dr. John Sung) was renewed, and Dr. Tow left the University to devote himself more fully to the Gospel ministry (while engaged in a busy gynecological practice).

Since leaving the University of Singapore in 1969, Dr. Tow has led a team of Christians in the founding and funding of Churches and other Gospel institutions in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Australia, Saipan, China, London, Toronto, Vancouver and elsewhere. He is the Senior Pastor of the Calvary Bible Presbyterian Church in Singapore. Dr. Tow has both a Doctor of Medicine and a Doctor of Divinity degree.

Dr. Tow founded and edits Read, Pray, Grow (RPG) Daily Bible Reading Notes, read

by God=s people around the world since 1982. He stands without compromise, on the Word of God, in the line of the Reformers, "earnestly contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3).

Dr. Tow believes this with all his heart:

"The Bible is none other than the voice of Him that sitteth upon the throne. Every book of it, every chapter of it, every verse of it, every syllable of it, every letter of it, is the direct utterance of the Most High. The Bible is none other than the Word of God, not some part of it more, some part of it less, but all alike the utterance of Him that sitteth upon the throne, faultless, unerring, supreme." [Inspiration and Interpretation, by Dean John William Burgon]

This statement, by Dean Burgon--publicly affirmed by the Faculty of the Far Eastern Bible College, Singapore, at its annual Convocation--is worthy of all acceptation by those who love the Word of God.

As a Pastor and a world-wide traveler, Dr. Tow has caught a needed vision of the urgency to live for the Lord Jesus Christ in these last days. He has a decided conviction about the superiority of the King James Bible and the inferiority of the modern versions and has communicated that in his article included in this Bible.

About the Publication Coordinator
Daniel S. Waite, M.A., M.Div.

After graduating from Bob Jones University with a Bachelor of Arts in Guidance and Counseling (1989), Daniel S. Waite received a Master of Arts in Theological Studies (1990) and a Master of Divinity (1991) from Faith Baptist Theological Seminary in Ankeny, Iowa.

Mr. Waite was born in Camden, New Jersey. He lived his first 18 years in Collingswood, New Jersey, where he attended public schools until his sophomore year. He graduated from Baptist High School in Haddon Heights, New Jersey, in 1984.

During his seminary days, he was an interim Pastor in Newton, Iowa, near Des Moines. Though asked to remain as the full-time Pastor, his concerns and convictions prevented him from accepting. Among other factors, he could not pastor a church that would not entertain the idea of eventually removing an unacceptable modern version as its pew Bible.

Mr. Waite is a licensed Baptist Minister, teaching and preaching in various churches. Since 1994, he has been the Assistant to the Director of THE BIBLE FOR TODAY, INCORPORATED, founded and directed by his father, Rev. D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D. He resides in Collingswood, New Jersey, with his wife, Tamara, and their daughter, Anna.

As the Publication Coordinator for The Defined King James Bible, Mr. Waite has organized the business part of this Bible ever since the publication project was begun in 1996. He has sent specifications for this work to scores of printers both in the United States and in foreign countries in order to get the best quality product at the most economical prices.

He has contacted various binderies and makers of leather Bible covers. Once the decision was made to bind the Bible in leather, the question was whether it would be bonded leather, or genuine leather. He consulted with several experts in the field of the leather tanning process to find out their recommendations on the durability of these two types of leather. Each specialist advised genuine leather for the longest durability.

Once genuine leather was decided on, Mr. Waite consulted with several genuine leather manufacturers in the U.S.A. to see if we should use South Korean leather or American leather. The answer, even from the South Korean printer, was to go with American leather.

He then contacted several binderies to find out if they were able to bind Bibles in leather with gilded edges and rounded corners. The prices were high in the U.S.A., so it was decided to have them bound in South Korea. He found out that adding extra sheets of heavier stock to the front and back of the Bible would strengthen the binding. Finding a printer to print a 1,728 page Bible with thin Bible paper was not easy. Many printers are not set up to print on such thin paper. He contacted by FAX printers in the U.S.A., Hong Kong, India, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and Belgium before it was decided to go with a South Korean printer. His detailed work in seeing this Bible through the entire process, from copy to the printing and binding has been both essential and commendable. We appreciate this indispensable assistance.

A BOOK With Rules

"Isn't it strange,
That princes and kings
And clowns that caper
In sawdust rings;
And common people
Like you and me
Are builders of Eternity?

Each is given a bag of tools,
A shapeless mass,
And a BOOK with rules;
And each must make
Ere life is flown
A stumbling block,
Or a stepping-stone."

By R. L. Sharpe

Given to the General Editor by "Uncle Charlie" Allen, the man who introduced him to the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour.

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